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TK Health Provides Medical Care for Las Animas County Jail

Map of Colorado showing Las Animas County

TK Health is now the medical services provider for the Las Animas County Jail. The partnership began at the beginning of the new year.

TK Health is an Oklahoma-based corrections healthcare company that serves jails throughout the region. TK Health partners with about 150 jails in a dozen states to provide medical care. 

CEO Flint Junod said TK Health officials are excited to provide quality healthcare for the Las Animas County Jail and add the Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office to its list of professional partners.

“We’re happy to add Las Animas to our growing list of partners in Colorado,” Junod said. 

The Las Animas County Jail is in Trinidad, Colorado.

For more information about the partnership, contact TK Health at [email protected].


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